On the Lighter Side of Things…
Reflecting upon my last few Blog entries, I have observed that my missives have been of a rather intense nature. This intensity/passion is most certainly a big part of who I am. Folks who know me, however, probably see me as being more of a clown (not of the Heinrich Böll variety) as opposed to my cyber persona of a cerebral masochist who paces introspectively back and forth across the well-worn tegument of his utilitarian hovel, wondering how to drag the world along with my iconoclastic and revolutionary ambitions.
My first instinct was to become introspective about my intensity levels as of late. Next, I considered delving into a silly post like “Real-E XXX-Posé” where I’d confess to things about myself like not knowing, until a very late age, that the Village People were gay (I always fought with a friend of mine over who would be Fillipe the Indian), my closet love of Abba and Coronation Street, or simply re-visit my Roller Girls fetish. Nah. So then I thought I’d write a subliminal post intended, very covertly, to visit my other Blog where I published my novella (see links bar to the right), and see if someone out there would actually take the time to read it. But that would be cheap and no one is truly great until they are dead in the world of Art and Letters.
Then I received this email from a friend of a rather interesting cat photo. You see, I have a cat named Montgomery, who is a bit of a legacy. ‘Gomey’ is pushing eleven, and has been known to most by his nickname (no pun intended) of ‘Satan’. Gomey has issues. He’s just over 20 lbs (all lean too) and hates absolutely everyone excepting my wife, daughter and I. I’m not talking being aloof, I’m talking stalk and go for the kill (and he doesn’t back down). Perhaps Gomey is the necessary Yin to the Yang of our two 70 lb+ dogs, Saša (Golden Retriever) and Kaya (part German Shepherd/Border Collie) who think that they are lap dogs and make most attention seekers seem shy. So, in a nutshell, Gomey makes Woland’s companion cat in Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita look like a real pussy.
So, for all you cat lovers out there, and those of you simply seeking a chuckle, here is a wee jab at one of nature’s most majestic and proud critters!
...Below are a couple of photo's of the characters in my personal microcosmic Animal Farm....
At 3:20 p.m. , Anonymous said...
nodroganon in, while thinking i should stay home sick with sick family tonight, review the gory panel commentary because i was afraid i was just intruding on the dialog, thanks for remarksa nd, voici, your family! Caps back on, to say with your family and animals included, I see why you dedicate yourself to the work @max, for $, and try to maintain humour and humanity for when home with them. These too are the people you serve to protect from unwarranted early release of dangerous "goods" from the "warehouse" of misfortune. I ws out in the yard with our dog and my smoke, reflecting on why I am not a Parole Officer. The reason being I do not pay enough attention to detail. Fine details in inmate behaviour indicate dangerous turns and risk to community on any form of release. While standing guard, sitting in an office, watching the zoo parade to the servery and out on the range, we look for the risk factor. To prevent is more important than react, if that's possible. As a teacher, normally your prevention mode is the interactive, hope-to-make-a-difference on this one's attitude. Even as a "Stand-on-guard-for-thee", you teach. Some among your younger generation, especially those you know who have military service, also teach likewise: integrity, personal responsibility, humour and fairness, direct forms of communication that reflect some hope in way-of-being. It remains up to inmate passing by to notice what you teach by being yourself. In this lies the limitation that is hard to be patient and accepting of, someone's ability to learn from example who has not learned from any other means, to behave responsibly and peacefully. I babble-on to the tune of Bjork and wonder why I have invested 23 years in service, mostly for $ to keep family fed and educated, but have no $ in bank for retirement? Poor me! But the journey through all this with wife, daughter and several dogs who loved me made it possible to avoid "going postal" in prison. Why did I start this? Oh yeah, you were showing us why you love by showing us whom you love. As the old Scotsman says to sign off on CKUA, " You are loved!". That's why you love and who you are in a Sunday School lesson plan. Amen, so be it. See you back in the cockroach-laden walls, this week or nest....
At 8:51 a.m. , Firedawg said...
I am sure their beauty is only exceeded by their charm, grace and intelligence. What wonderful reasons to come home every day. You must have great Karma to be surrounded by these lovelies.
At 8:53 a.m. , Firedawg said...
continuing...... I guess that means the cat is consigned to hell for eternity.
At 8:56 a.m. , Firedawg said...
PPS You are kidding about the Village People right?
At 9:29 a.m. , Anonymous said...
We have a half-Siamese, half Himalayan cat who has the same attitude as 'Satan'. Two dogs were not a happy addition to the home, but he eats their food while they sit and watch.
The picture is purrfect. That's one pissed off pussycat.
At 9:33 a.m. , Ed Meers said...
Not kidding about the Village People, firedawg - didn't even don on me until I was 18 or 19.... I'm usually not on the cutting edge of such things. Thanks for the kind words - perhaps it is karma.
Interesting comments Nondroganon - "Finnegan's Wake" will be a breeze after deciphering your thoughts! I echo your thought's on Parole as I often feel a conflict working for as system, which I in effect help perpetuate, that is so rotten and with such dangerous consequences to the public. I suppose the only good thing is that we aren't the one's signing their releases, thoughwe do show them the door out...
At 9:35 a.m. , Ed Meers said...
Auntiegrav, have you ever read the Bulgakov book to which I refered (The Master and the Margarita)? It's one of my favs. Essentially Satan comes to Moscow with his cat and has some fun - there's a witches ball and everything!
At 9:07 a.m. , Anonymous said...
Haven't read that one. I'll bet my brother has. Sounds like the kind of thing he would have left over from the bookstore, buried under Terry Pratchett. I'll have a better chance of something like that if it's on audio. I'll have a search for it and let you know.
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