Masochistic Perceptions, Trials and Truths

These are my cyberfied cerebral synapses ricocheting off reality as I perceive it: thoughts, opinions, passions, rants, art and poetry...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Celebrated Summer

The mercury was up in the 30’s yesterday, which is great because the heat keeps the mosquitoes down in the evening (though sleeping is a bit sticky). Anyway, there’s an awesome liquor store here in town that carries an assortment of foreign beers and you can buy them by the bottle. Thus, keeping in touch with our Nova Scotian roots, and with the ceildh spirit, my wife, friend Paully and I set out to entertain our neighbours with a variety of tunes on the acoustic. You really can’t beat friends and summertime! We had about a good of a time as our limited talents and alcohol would permit. Too bad life wasn’t like television where someone like Neko Case or Shane McGowan just show up out of the blue and sit in with the jam…

As the days advance after making my big decision, I am feeling a sense of artistic liberation and as if I’ve got some kind of momentum going in life. In spite of my enthusiasm, my sleeps are restless and riddled with nightmares pertaining to my change of vocations from Correctional Officer to Junior High School Teacher. I’ve survived prison for going on five years, so junior high students can’t be any worse… can they?

In any case, this is my last day with Paully before he flies back to New Jersey and the mercury is forecasted to exceed yesterday’s highs. Off to peruse some book, music and art stores before saying adieu. Think that I’ll go play “Celebrated Summer” by Hüsker Dü….


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