Canadians elected a minority Conservative Government yesterday, or should I say did not elect a Conservative minority Government. This situation points out a glaring error in the multi-party democratic system as far more Canadians voted against the government than for. So, yes, the Conservative’s won the most seats but did not receive the most votes.
I think this result, though good for the country as the reigning Liberals really needed to be ousted, will leave Canadians facing yet another federal election shortly after the Liberals nominate a new party leader – I’d say this will happen within the year. It is also good and bad in that the Conservatives, who will need some support from the opposition to pass any bills successfully, have no natural allies. The Liberals will be focused on usurping power, the NDP’s agenda is too far to the left and the Bloc will be the Bloc.
Regardless, I do not believe that any of the mainstream federalist parties could or would radically modify this nation. Under the new government, I suspect that Canada-US relations will improve which is good. I don’t think that this will be a slippery slope sending Canadian troops into Iraq, nor do I buy into all the “Harper wants us to be American” rhetoric that former PM Martin tried to make us believe.
It will be an interesting few months. We will certainly see a revolution within the Liberal core which will be good as it might lead to two viable governing parties. Perhaps the NDP will utilise their newfound strength as well and possibly become a more viable option for Canadians. We certainly shouldn’t see the arrogance that we have become accustomed to in Canadian politics!
At 1:04 p.m. ,
Anonymous said...
nodrogoffsick: I saw a good letter on issues in Journal today from Jenny Meers. Sounded familiar. I read and forget too quickly, what were we talking about? The election, while Ray Charles is on radio. I looked at results as in, Liberals could have won Edmonton Centre if they were representative of NDP and Green Party. NDP seems most obvious choice for Edmonton Strathcona, if they can represent Liberal and Green with Linda Duncan. If this is not possible, may be because Liberals are conservative. As for Annie, WUMP! There it is! Not to worry, the results are encouraging for Canadian Unity, but there is evident need to include really wierd (weird?) individuals in the fabric. Last night saw a Bravo show on La Bottine Souriante, whose career nearly floundered with dead referenda in '80's. They came back, toured the world and added brass. Does the world realize how many lonely Albertans speak French as first language? Hope for political future hidden in musical agenda of "the folk".
At 1:04 p.m. ,
Anonymous said...
nodrogoffsick: I saw a good letter on issues in Journal today from Jenny Meers. Sounded familiar. I read and forget too quickly, what were we talking about? The election, while Ray Charles is on radio. I looked at results as in, Liberals could have won Edmonton Centre if they were representative of NDP and Green Party. NDP seems most obvious choice for Edmonton Strathcona, if they can represent Liberal and Green with Linda Duncan. If this is not possible, may be because Liberals are conservative. As for Annie, WUMP! There it is! Not to worry, the results are encouraging for Canadian Unity, but there is evident need to include really wierd (weird?) individuals in the fabric. Last night saw a Bravo show on La Bottine Souriante, whose career nearly floundered with dead referenda in '80's. They came back, toured the world and added brass. Does the world realize how many lonely Albertans speak French as first language? Hope for political future hidden in musical agenda of "the folk".
At 1:15 p.m. ,
Anonymous said...
sorry about the duplication. anon/nodrog looked back and saw you are thinking of what? money is steady in corrections but self-worth might go up in education. as an hypocritical cockroach i should crawl back in the wall of the joint, all puns intended, and follow the advice of pierre berton, " first remove the stems and seeds...". but i remember why i quit that... it damaged the definition of memory as such and blended the dream with the real, all at once, in a night, where screaming out loud became impossible, and it explains why i continue to hide in the wall and come out on payday for crumbs... what do you have to do to get promoted in corrections? don't blow it
At 9:13 p.m. ,
Anonymous said...
..Wait.. your blog entry regarding the election needs to mention one interesting find mentioned in the Edmonton Journal today:
Guess who the greenest province in Canada is??? Alberta!
The percentage of votes cast in Alberta was 6.6% (93,919 votes). BC came next with 5.3% (97,002 votes).
At 12:35 p.m. ,
Anonymous said...
I am addicted to your blog, it seems, as it is easier than getting published in letters to editor. You could incorporate yourself as Letters-Ed and collect, what, more trash like this. Okay, don't! Good luck with your decision, I apologize for the apology and the duplications, ny ineptitude and the Green Party. They just served tea, no such thing as "fair trade coffee" and scones. No one got stoned, like at the Marijuana Party, where they just served "tea", nudge nudge wink wink. Before I go to work and miss out on the retirement party, where they just served beer, may I ask, and I am asking aven if I may not, whether you are familiar with Marquis' work on Archie the Cockroach? So, future anonymous entries approximate the lower case, lower class ramblings of disincarnate punk poet. But, I really hope you find a Good Thing to do for employment, as Corrections is deadly dull and Parole/Programmes are ethereal, ergo numbing.
At 8:02 p.m. ,
Firedawg said...
A pundit said that if the Libs don't get their act together quickly then Layton will position the NDP in their place and become the alternate party leaving the Libs high and dry. A lot depends on McKenna or whoever getting in quick and rallying the Liberals to become a well thought out opposition. I can't see the Cons going ahead with proportional representation with a minority gov't but who knows. With 37% of 65% of voters they are lucky to represent 15% of the population. Interesting that they didn't carry any of the 3 big cities! Quebec will be another headache for them. Going to be fun.
At 8:43 a.m. ,
Ed Meers said...
I think the Liberals will rebuild. Though I usually vote NDP as I think that they have a valuable role to fill, their economics might be a wee bit off. I'd love to see them as a strong opposition and a healthy choice between the Conservatives and Liberals. As much as many may mock the left, all these things like public healthcare and affordable education are products of let wing ideology. I am a big fan of thinkers like Frenchman, Jaures, who believed in a socialist social agenda with capitalist economics.
As for Quebec, it is always a tough go there. I agree that they are unique, but so is Nova Scotia and so is Alberta. Either we are a confederation for the common good or we all separate into our own fiefdoms. Personally, I think there is strength in numbers and, just as Europe is bandind together in the EEU, the best interests of folks north of the 49th parallel is to be strong rather than stratified.
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