Happy Birthday Guinness!
Today, which is my 40 and 3/4 Birthday (just three months from Xmas), is the 250th birthday of my favourite bevy. Yes, the great Irish stout, Guinness, turns 250 years old on this day! So, it is only fitting that I compose a wee dedication to this wonderful stuff! Thus, my "Ode to Guinness" haiku!
An Ode to Guinness
glass filled ebony
head, yellow cream, silky gold
friends sharing darkness
At 11:08 a.m. , Anonymous said...
been 250 years. Wow!!!
i love Guinness, too.
do you know Japanese beer "Yebisu"?
one of my japanese friends told me that you could mix Guinness and Yebisu Gold half and half,
then you get wonderful colour of beer in your glass~ it's really simple to make. so try for fun!!!
At 8:38 p.m. , Ed Meers said...
Though I've never had it with the Japanese beer that you mentioned, a drink that's half Guinness and half lager is called a "Black & Tan" (see your Irish history books for who he Black & Tans were). It is quite nice - makes for a really creamy ale.
At 6:58 a.m. , Catherine Vibert said...
Happy 40 3/4! :-) I love a Guinness from time to time. Very silky, just as you say.
I LOVED the poem you wrote on my blog. It really captured what I was painting, and I thank you for taking the time to go in deep with it. Lovely lovely. :-)
At 3:25 p.m. , Fantastic Forrest said...
I am sure Arthur Guinness would have been touched by your haiku.
Have you ever been on the Guinness Factory Tour in Dublin? Big time fun. My husband acted like he was in a shrine.
At 6:16 p.m. , Ed Meers said...
Yeah, I lived in Dublin for a while and went on the tour. I thought it was a wee bit of a let down compared to other breweries that I've visited (like Tubourg, Heineken, etc.). It's a bit cruel that you only got the one pint too! Still, it is a shrine for all other intents and purposes!
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